You all missed the point. You all now are talking about legallities of minor's, and game's that allow minors to play in them.
What I saw in the video were a group of kid's, with very real looking weapons, allowed to run loose outdoors. What will happen after a few months of shooting each other while listening to C-Rap tune's about mindless violence, attacking other because they can(listen to that song)
What happens when these little punk, who alreal shoot the guns gangland style, and act real hard, get bored? What happens when they decide to pull a prank and go shoot people for fun and tape that for say MTV?
What will happen to airsoft gun availabilty when little kids like these get shot and killed for displaying or pointing the guns somewhere other than the backyard?
Somebody bought them those guns, and I didnt see any red barrals on them.
Is Doc Hollywood a real lawyer or a wanna-be? Hollywood, the basic fact here should not be who should be sue'd or if a field run's itself as an LLC, it should be striving for the formation of an airsoft society where only adults run thing and play, a airsoft group that controls how games are ran, and who can play. Police yourself, or others will do it for you.
And as that dude E-raq said, they are now celebrities, what will they do next for attention?
I know someone here teaches classes and allows kids to attend, that is dumbasses as hell, all this will do is give them more idea's of what to do next.